Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another Performance Tonight

I have another performance tonight of "Confessions of a Karaoke DJ" at the Spectrum Gallery (608 E. Olive) that starts at 7:30 p.m. Don't forget that the show is $3. I had fun performing it back on Friday, and I look forward to doing it again this evening.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but doing this solo performance has really been a stretch for me. I have done some minor acting, such as home movies made with friends along with a small part as a correctional officer in a student-produced prison film titled Concrete Beach back when I attended CSU Fresno. However, I have never done a solo performance nor have I ever portrayed a character anywhere like Carlos.

Again, I want to thank those who have come out to support my show, from colleagues and friends to complete strangers who found out about my show through the Rogue Map, the Rogue Festival website, and wherever else.

Before I head out, here is another review that was posted last night on the Rogue Festival website (

"I thought Confessions of a Karaoke DJ was pretty funny. I think people should definately go and see it. I really didn’t expect this to come out of my teacher, I think thats the funny part about it but it was a good show and I think people would enjoy going to this show to have a few laughs." --Katrina Ross

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