Monday, February 16, 2009

Plugging Other Rogue Shows

Yesterday, I had the chance to meet some fellow Rogue performers and exchanged fliers. I'd like to highlight those shows right now:

The Acoustic Kinetic Collective Show
This is a dance performance that will be taking place at Starline (833 E. Fern Ave., between Livingstone's and Starline Grill). It will be four different nights, and the cost is $5. For more information, visit

Annette Ash: Houseboats, Headwinds, and Highways
I have heard Annette Ash perform with her band. Definitely worth checking out if you get the chance. She'll be performing at Palomino's Restaurant (805 East Olive Street)on four different nights. The cost is $8. For more information, check out

Cupid is a B*tch . . . a musical about true love
The guys in charge of this one did last year's "Shakespeare is an Idiot." This sounds funny, and will be at Diana's South (726 N. Fulton). The cost is $6. For more information, check out

Dream of Scheherazade
This is a belly dancing performance that is put on by the Ananka Dance Company. There will be four chances to catch it at Diana's North (826 N. Fulton). The cost is $7. For more information, check out

The Magic and Comedy of Tony Blanco
As you can guess from the title, this is a family friendly show that features magic. It will be playing on four different occasions at Dianna's South (726 N. Fulton), and the cost is $7. For more information, check out

For more information about these and any other shows, don't forget to visit You can also click on the Rogue Muse on this page to be taken there directly.